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Yellow rice; Alternative Breakfast and Launch at Banjarmasin

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While at Banjarmasin, every morning a lot of stalls sell food menu for breakfast in the morning. Most of these stalls selling breakfast menu are Nasi Kuning (yellow rice) with various side dishes.

Yellow Rice or Nasi Kuning In Banjarmasin
Different with in the other places
It's a special food in the morning and evening

Rice is the designation of yellow rice cooked with spices turmeric and some spices with traditional recipes so that once cooked rice is yellow. Never fear, the yellow color is not from artificial dyes but arise from spices (turmeric) is mixed with cooked rice. Once cooked, it becomes fragrant yellow rice because when it was cooked with Pandan leaves as a natural deodorizer.

Presentation is also varied. There is a breakfast menu which presents yellow rice with or without fried vegetables. But in general, yellow rice in the morning served with side dishes such as chicken, Haruan fish , Papuyu fish, Sapat fish, poached egg with chili seasoning or it called masak habang (hot cook).

It was typical and in accordance with our tongue / taste probably might be the favorite meal. This yellow rice in the morning can be found in simple shop or in the traditional markets.

In addition to the morning of yellow rice is also served for dinner. But not like at the morning, yellow rice dish in the evening presented using either packets of paper or wrap organic meal made from banana leaves and the packet has named accordance with the side dishes inside.

When visiting Banjarmasin, yellow rice sellers can be found around the Pasar Lama (old market). This place is center of Nasi Kuning. Package yellow rice was sold from late afternoon until early morning at around 5:00 in the morning. So many stalls selling rice yellow lined the streets of the old market, so that we could choose anywhere to buy it.

In that place also not only we can buy it to take home, but also we can eat in a place that has been provided with ease while talking for hours. Stalls in addition to selling packages of yellow rice, there is kind of a hot drink to relax, warm and cold coffee, supplements, chicken egg shakes, hot tea, and provided various other fast food like cake, crackers, etc. A relaxed and peaceful condition makes us linger in there especially with friends chatting or discussion after work at midnight.

Good luck, may useful and lets trip